Bread is the staple of many today in South Africa, as it was in the past. I find that it’s a go to for toast with eggs (from our girls in the coop) in the morning for breakfast, sliced with cheese and variety of different toppings for lunches and even as fresh warm side-dishes with our evening supper. If we dont have bread in the pantry cupboard at all times – it's and absolute disaster. The boys lives just would not carry on further than that moment.
A couple of months back my Bread Making Machine went on the blink! Something to do with the turning thingie on the motor ma-gadget. Ok, so I was kind of lost when Rob tried to explain it all to me. So, the bits n pieces have been taken to a clever human who, when has a few moments in his busy day, will wind it or something. It’s been a while and said human is extremely busy. So, I have been trying my hand at a few handmade varieties.
Now, I know that most bread recipes call for hours of arm cramping... and kneading of dough, and then a whole long other waiting period of letting it all rise just to smash it all down again. But, frankly sweet people, this ol’gal just doesn't have the patience for that these days. The longest time I’ve spent waiting for a bread is for my One Pot Bread but that really doesn't have much leg umm arm work.
Beer Bread.
REALLY… what more do I need to say here? it's oh so quick and perfect as a side dish for those good ol’ traditional South African braais – right? And the man sure feels like he has contributed to the whole bread making process by sparing you one of his bottles of beer.
So, ovens on to 160 degrees Celsius to warm up while you busy yourself around the kitchen getting all your necessary ingredients and grease your loaf tin.
In your mixing bowl add 3 cups flour, 1 teaspoon salt, half a teaspoon bicarb (baking soda), 3 teaspoons baking powder and 2 tablespoons sugar.
(I then add a quick blessing… please note this is optional… *insert-twinkly-eye-sparkle-here*)
Now, pour in your fizzy beer and watch the magic bubbles. Fun – right?
Give it a good ol’ mix and then a quick ol’ knead and pop into your greased loaf tin. The whole shabam goes into the oven for 60 minutes and then... well.... wait. I'm sure there is plenty to keep yourselves all busy with now, like clean up the mess (not always the most fun part).
Once done turn out to cool just a bit and then slice and slather with copious amounts of butter and OR (like I did) add my homemade caramelized onion jam!
Easy – right? Who said you couldn't make homemade bread? Let me know how yours turns out?
This delicious post is shared with the all the beautiful humans over at The Homesteader Hop.
Great post *eye twinkle* hehe 😉💖You make it sound non-overwhelming enough for me to try, even! I have this great book collecting dust in my kitchen, called "Artisan bread in five minutes a day"...too bad we're not neighbors, because I'm certainly not taking advantage of it's potential! Enjoy your bread, the pictures look fantastic!