Thursday, June 21, 2018

Crafty Duck Animal Farm

The weekend before last we meandered our way up the mountain to The Crafty Duck Animal Farm.

It was Danika's first visit with the once popular Urban Farm along the Table Mountain Road. When Garren was a whole lot younger and a cuddlier toddler he would proclaim, each time we drove passed its sign, that this was "his place". It was an absolute treat to take him there to pet and help feed the farm animals. Fast forward a good couple of years later, with a sweet small girl in the picture, we find the need to find our way back there so she can share the same experience.
Sadly, I wish I could say that the experience was as fulfilling for her (and us) as it was for him back then. The past few years have not fared well on this once magickal playground. The low down by the new owner is that the previous menagerie gambled away all the profits and loans taken against the farm. How deeply sad. And it shows.

The new owners are now trying to rebuild this once safe haven for all the animals and reclaim its magick with its once regular patrons.

I do hope that they do.
It would be ever so lovely to walk the paths of the Crafty Duck Village and feel that love again.

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Mid Year

I know, I know... it has been over a month since I posted and updated. I do apologise, Mid Year everything always seems to catch up with me before I know where I am.

Mid year exams are almost done for Joshua, he finishes off tomorrow. Garren will be done (hopefully) at the end of this month and then Rob will take over and study all the month of July for his Trade qualifications. It is always a quieter time of year while I try and support each of the them in anyway I can to get them through it all.

Come August I should be home free only to start it all again for year end.

Winter Solstice & the July School holidays are almost upon us. Where has the year gone? Before I blink again Tristan will be home for a quick visit to renew his visa. I am so looking forward to that.

I know there was huge concern over the Carte Blanche article regarding the young South Africa folk that are "Stuck in the East", I can assure, as soon as it was sent to me for my attention I had heard from Tristan and all is well. Thank the gods!

(You can read more about that HERE)

Come the end of the month and I will be adding new 100% natural handcrafted soaps to my Shoppe & Offerings. But, there are still a number of soaps available as well as essential oils and environmentally friendly toothbrushes. I will update you before the time. So, if you haven't signed up yet for Newsletters & Posts you really should HERE - I am giving all new subscribers a discount coupon which will be sent to you on subscription. For those who wish to join my WhatsApp group you can HERE - there is also a discount code which you can claim when you join my group. I do have a giveaway that will be heading your way in the next bit too.

So... sign up so you know when it is all happening :) !

love always xx
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