Monday, October 1, 2018

The last week of September

The last week of September is done.
It brought with it my 40th spin around our Sun.

As well as the last days of the 3rd term of homeschooling which now means we are on Spring break. A much needed break this week for not only the small children but for this Mamma too - my house needs urgent spring cleaning attention. All the nitty gritty of house work always gets shelved during the school term.

It also bared a much needed break from social media. Not intentional I might add but it was needed - thank you cloud covered sky and stormy echos from the heavens for ever knowing just what my soul needs.

Welcome October.


  1. Belated happy 40th Birthday. Thank you for your visit and lovely comment left about my soap making efforts, greatly appreciated. It does seem strange that you are going into Spring just as we are preparing for the cold Autumn months.

  2. Hope you had a happy birthday. Those muffins look so moist, chocolatey, and delicious! Your backyard is so lush and green.

  3. Happy Birthday! I hope your break has left you feeling rejuvenated. We're on Spring break here too and it has been much needed for all of us. xx Susan

    1. thank you Susan - yes I am certainly ready to go again. I hope yours was restful too?

  4. Happy Happy Birthday!!!!
    Fall here, and those muffins look like something I should add to our fall baking list!
    Have a cozy afternoon. : )

  5. Happy Belated Birthday 🎂 Angela hope you had a very lovely day 💐 xxx

    Wishing you all a good weekend.

    Take Care 🌼


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